Topic: Miscellaneous

Fifth Circut Strikes Down SEC's New Buyback Disclosure Rule
EDGAR Next: SEC Proposes Changes to EDGAR Filer Access and Account Management Procedures
SEC Updates Non-GAAP C&DIs
SEC Division of Corporation Finance Issues Interpretations Addressed to SPACs’ Business Combinations
SEC Proposes Rule Changes to Shorten the Security Settlement Cycle to T+1 by March 31, 2024
Recent SEC Amendments Bring Changes to Filing Fee Disclosure and Payment Methods
SEC Adopts New Rule Relating to Submissions through EDGAR and Electronic and Remote Online Notarization
SEC Adopts Changes to the Exempt Offering Framework
ISS Proposes and Opens Comment on Draft 2021 Voting Policy Updates
Regulation S-K Amendments to Items 101, 103, and 105 to go Effective November 9, 2020
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